Greetings Fashion Divas,
The other day I met up with my fashion buddies and we went to dinner and caught up with each other's lives. The one thing I really don't like about adulthood is that we cansometimes most of the time get so caught up in our own trials and tribulations that we completely neglect our friends and in some cases, our own families. I make it a point to keep in touch every so often with my people because I know I will slip and go several months without checking in. SMH
The other day I met up with my fashion buddies and we went to dinner and caught up with each other's lives. The one thing I really don't like about adulthood is that we can
Of course I was excited to take my new heels out for a test drive............
............until, after the 3rd time my ankle collapsed, I realized that these babies are a serious safety hazard, LOL.
I'm not sure these heels will be seeing the light of day OR the dawn of night too often! I love to rock a fierce pair of shoes but I don't risk my life people!!! So utterly disappointing :-(
Earrings - Street vendor
Blazer - Macy's
Top - Zara
Necklace/Clutch - Forever 21
Shorts - Macy's
Rings - Random Boutique, Street vendors
Wedge heels -
xoxo Ty
i guess they are what they call the car, restaurant, car, back hme shoes...
ps: checked out my latest post yet?? if not pls follow link:
I'm open to donations if you need to relieve yourself of them! LOL!!
<3 Marina