Outfit: Button-Down Dress, Jeans, and Braided Heels

Greetings Fashion Mavens,

I encountered an unfavorable person this past weekend. I said to myself I was not going to give them power over my thoughts but I could not let it go. Listen, I am NO Mother Theresa or Ghandi. But I try my hardest to put my best foot forward. However, sometimes, folks will test your faith, patience, and the values you hold dear. This person, whom I do not know personally, was very rude and racist to me. It's not that I haven't experienced racism before, but this just hurt my feelings. I'm too grown for this!!! Ya'll.....I wanted to retaliate soooooo bad!!!! I kept it together, barely, before I lost my cool. I told them to have a blessed day and I kept it moving. Nevertheless, I thought about that rude encounter for a good while. Finally, I decided enough is enough and I truly let it go. I can't change how people affect me but I CAN change how I react to them. To quote one of my favs....."When they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.......

Temperatures have warmed up since I wore this look above. I wanted to wear the dress but it was really breezy. I added the pants to help keep my decent. I brought out my colorful, statement accessories to uplift my overall look.

These heels are really pretty. I wish I would have realized the focus on the camera was off because it prevents me from posting a close-up of them :-(

Earrings - Gifted from bff (alternative here)
Dress worn as top - Asos.com (sold out; try this garment here)
Jeans - Forever 21 (get a similar style here)
Handbag - Furla (old; similar styles here or here)
Heels - Nastygal.com (sold out; alternative here)
