Outfit: Kimono, Swimsuit, and Gladiators

Greetings Fashionistas,

Friday has finally arrived. Why is it so hard to get back on track the 1st work week after vacation??? Is it because you get a little taste of what it would be like to not have to work? That could explain the profound feelings of despair that overcomes my psyche when I get back from vacay, LOL. At least I try to turn my thoughts to a new mantra...'working to vacay'......makes everything more tolerable :-)

I have another full weekend but it's all good. A huge presentation that I finished at the last minute (shame on me), comedy show and dinner with friends, niece's dance recital, and the most important, unimportant thing.....getting my hair done, lol. What do you guys have cooking?

Disclaimer: I had no time to take any pictures this week....and I didn't go anywhere. So unfortunately you will just have to be subjected to these poor quality droid images I have from my vacation. My bad!

During our tour in Negril, I kindly asked our driver to pull over so I could take photos. Doesn't matter if I'm in the states or not, I'm the same me, lol.

This kimono is so chic. It's going to be used as a swimsuit cover as well! Although the weather was hot and humid in Jamaica (some thing I'm definitely used to), this garment kept me pretty cool.

What am I looking at??? Can't remember, Haaa! But I do know these African necklaces are to die for! So glad I got these suckers!!!

Kimono - Gifted
Necklaces - Masai camp - Kenya
Swimsuit - Amazon.com
Shorts - Forever 21
Gladiators - Urbanog.com (old)
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!


Unknown said…
Such a cute outfit!! I really need to buy a couple of kimono's before they go out of style, lol!!!

Carsedra McKoy:
YoyosFashions said…
You look gorgeous!! Cute look!!