The Liebster Award

Greetings Fashion Divas,

I have been nominated several times for the Liebster Award and I am ashamed to say I have largely avoided completing the process. I absolutely love my nominators but come on guys you know this award's rules are a little intensive. So please forgive me as I'm trying to use my time allocation the best way I can. Anyhew, after my girl Nadia over at  U Better Work nominated me (her blog is fabulous guys), I felt it was time to stop being lazy and be a team player! The Liebster award is for new, upcoming bloggers (I'm not but it's cool) with less than 200 followers (I have more than this on GFC but I'm slacking on Bloglovin'). The award is to recognize the work done thus far by the blogger(s) and to show support.

The Liebster Award rules:
  1. Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you. - Gladly :-)
  2. Create 11 questions for your nominees. - I'm just not that creative....
  3. Choose 11 nominees and link to your post. - Oh goodness, I love all my blog buddies' blogs. I just can't isolate 11!!!
  4. Go to their pages and let them know you have nominated them. - I graciously decline
  5. Don't accept any tags back! - No problem!

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Which blogs or bloggers do you follow?
  3. Which designer do you wear all the time?
  4. Would you prefer a big diamond or a huge closet full of designer clothes?
  5. Favorite movie of all time?
  6. Favorite place to visit in your hometown?
  7. Who is the one person, in your life, that inspires you the most?
  8. Which celebrity style do you most admire?
  9. Where is one place where you would love to visit?
  10. How many different languages do you speak?
  11. Who would you like to meet one day, whether designer, musician or actor?
1. I needed an outlet for my deep love of fashion and my tendency to go overboard while shopping, lol.

2. Too many to name! I mainly follow personal style bloggers but I also support beauty blogs, hair blogs, mommy blogs, and lifestyle blogs. I find inspiration in everything!
3. I do not have a designer that I wear all the time. I have ADD when it comes to fashion, not to mention my personal style is quite varied. I fluctuate between fast fashion garments (Forever 21, Zara,, vintage finds, designer duds (MaxAzria, Preen, etc.), and thrifted items.
4. Seriously....the huge closet full of clothes of course :-)
5. Tie between "Coming to America" and "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka".....hilarity!!!

6. Tie between my mom and grandmother's house (specifically their respective kitchens, lol). If those don't count, I will say the recreational center I basically lived in for summer programs/camps and after school activities.
7. I have been inspired by many fabulous folk so I am unable to narrow this down. Besides, it literally takes a village to raise a child.....and nurture a woman!
8. This switches often but right now it's Nicole Scherzinger....she is on point lately!

9. Tokyo, Japan
10. Ummm....unoffically, English.....officially, broken English, LOL!
11. Neither of those....I would love to meet First Lady Michelle Obama. She is freaking AMAZING!!!

Okay, I finally succeed in participating with the Liebster Award rules.....well, sort of. Feel free to answer any question posed above in the comment section my friends.



Unknown said…
Congratulation on your blog award doll and love reading your answers.!

<3 Marina