Outfit: BFF Style

Greetings Fashion Divas,

I have had a helluva night peeps. My A.C. unit would not cool down my house (I live in Florida so yeah, may-jah problem), the fan in my bedroom would not go higher than level one (who in the hell invented that speed anyway???), and to top it all off.....I have a presentation that's due in about 3 hours and I'm a little over half way through.YIKES!!! I procrastinated a little bit but that's only because I didn't have a firm deadline. The university I'm speaking for left me off the email, no lie. Oh well, I should have had this done a week ago. SMH. Needless to say this post is going to be quick.

My bff and I went out to dinner and of course she's just like me in the fact that we purposely over dress for any outing. So fun!!! LOL. I honestly did not like my outfit, it was a horrid combination, as a result, I'm going to focus the majority of the photos on my bestie.

My bff is a gorgeous lady and because we've known each other since preschool, I have the privilege of borrowing her LBD (isn't that right Ann? *wink wink*)

I love this hat. Tried to steal it but I don't know where and the heck she put it!

Yea I don't know what the heck was going on with my shoe selection or clutch selection. My hair wasn't on point either. SMH 

I was going to omit these pictures but let's face it, we all have had our "WTF" moments. Don't judge me people!

I don't know what the heck I'm smiling for. I felt like it was high school all over again where my sense of style was just starting to blossom.....#EpicFail

Oh well, better luck next time I guess, LOL.



LoveT. said…
You look amazing!

Lovely Greetings ♡
Your BFF is hot, she really, love the colored earrings.
And you, hottie in red, uuu, uuu, and that white vest, I want one.
Dana said…
you look cute regardless and I love that you can have a sense of humor and just smile through it all... that's the best fashion accessory!
Love it!


Interestedtips said…
i love the whole outfit
LA Lynn's said…
Chile puh-lease!!!!! U can walk out the HOUSE with a jogging suit & flip flops on and you would STILL ROCK! The BFF is gorgeous... Loving the hat & shoes!!!! BTW, sorry about your AC I know it's HELLA HOT!!!! Annnnd, why are you blogging and u have a presentation!!!! Get BUSY MISSY!!!! ;-)
girlfriend! are you kidding? you look amazing! I like the rich red and the nude shoe. and a clutch is a fun item! you can choose whatever you want to carry!
Style4Curves said…
Ashley said…
You two are too cute!! Love your dresses!!

Unknown said…
you both look amazing. what a gorgeous pair of lovely ladies. :)

I actually like the nude pumps and clutches with this but I look back on my blog all the time and some of the posts I'm like, Okay, Amy, what the hell? hehehe

luv_spending! said…
Both of you two look nice! Your friend need to get her blog thing going on because she looks fierce also.
Unknown said…
No air in Florida??? Honnnnney, my attitude would suck! lol

I love your friend's dress and like you, I'd also be all up in her closet.

I think you are being too hard on yourself, before I scrolled to your picture, I expected you to look awful. NOT SO MUCH Girl, you couldn't if you tried!
Unknown said…
Miss Shanequea, your bff looks stunning and love her shoes. You look amazing and I will need for you to send me your entire outfit! Let me know when you are ready to write down my address! Lol! You ladies both look beautiful and so glad you also have a fabulous time xoxox
Mrs. Pancakes said…
Awww you guys are too cute! Love both outfits:-)
Unknown said…
You guys both look amazing! I like how your bff topped off her outfit with the earrings for some color and I love the vest you wore on yours. Hope your presentation went well & good luck with it!
Thick Chick said…
Absolutely friend-anytime (LBD)! BTW... you look so cute! I can't believe you tried to be humble... I didn't fall for it-lol. We are both hot... I'm just exceptionally hot. HA!
Thick Chick said…
Absolutely friend-anytime (LBD)! BTW... you look so cute! I can't believe you tried to be humble... I didn't fall for it-lol. We are both hot... I'm just exceptionally hot.