Greetings Fashion Friends,
Happy Hump Day lovely people. I'm still busy fighting for justice for Trayvon Martin, the 17 yo teen who was murdered by neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. The media and right wing folks are trying to 'demonize' that young man but you know what, we are not going to put up with that. Here are the facts, George Zimmerman was told to remain in the car and NOT to follow the "suspicious" character he reported to 911. George clearly disobeyed those instructions and pursued Trayvon. Therefore, he cannot claim "self-defense". All this extra crap about hoodies and gang related appearance is just BS!!! Do you know how many hoodies I own? Good grief, now because I wear a hoodie I guess I'm considered suspcious and a gansta. WTH??? The ignorance and anger inciting rhetoric just burns my gears. Florida is fast becoming a state known for its ridiculous statutes and horribly handled cases. So outraged!!!
Okay, let me get off my soapbox and get into this fashion segment. But I'm mad!!!!
Happy Hump Day lovely people. I'm still busy fighting for justice for Trayvon Martin, the 17 yo teen who was murdered by neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. The media and right wing folks are trying to 'demonize' that young man but you know what, we are not going to put up with that. Here are the facts, George Zimmerman was told to remain in the car and NOT to follow the "suspicious" character he reported to 911. George clearly disobeyed those instructions and pursued Trayvon. Therefore, he cannot claim "self-defense". All this extra crap about hoodies and gang related appearance is just BS!!! Do you know how many hoodies I own? Good grief, now because I wear a hoodie I guess I'm considered suspcious and a gansta. WTH??? The ignorance and anger inciting rhetoric just burns my gears. Florida is fast becoming a state known for its ridiculous statutes and horribly handled cases. So outraged!!!
Okay, let me get off my soapbox and get into this fashion segment. But I'm mad!!!!
Anyhew, I had a pharmacy conference last week and I wore this outfit to go register. I know what you're thinking and yes.....I threw on a cardigan so that I looked a little bit more polished. As for the sandals, I switched to closed-toe flats. I was only there for about an 1 hour and a half and then I need for me to get all jazzy. You think I fooled them? Wish I would have taken a pic to show you all!
This is the outfit I wore to the first Trayvon Martin rally. I was interviewed by our local news station and my segment was actually broadcasted!!! I had folks I haven't heard from in years calling me to tell me they saw me on TV. Hmmm.....I wonder if this is a small bit of what celebrities go through.
So ummm.....please ignore the sticker underneath my sandal, LOL. Clearly forgot to take it off. SMH
I know my best friend is gonna have something to say....but I swear my bosom is getting larger! The bodice of this maxi did not fit like this before. And no, I have not gained any weight. I do not like this because I prefer being able to go bra-less without any support for some of my backless dresses.........sue me!
My belt is sliding down in these last pics.....I guess it was tired. I was out all day long, LOL! Anyhew, I think I should have gone with a slightly wider belt in a darker brown. I wanted to belt the maxi to better define my waist and to break up the patterns on the dress.
Earrings - Street vendor
Dress -Forever 21
Belt - Vintage
Handbag - Cole Haan
Ring - SoHo neighborhood in NY
Sandals - Harlem neighborhood in NY
I used to be so hellbent on matching all of my browns, reds, blues, etc. back in the day. Now, as long as they complement each other, I really don't care. How do you guys feel about "matching"?
My heart goes out to Trayvon's Family, I hope all your fighting for justice get recognised.
Now for the fashion
I am L♥VING that dress, It gorgeous and it really suits you. And with the matching I prefer complimenting then matching aswell :)
Kiwi ..x
I think this belt goes great with the maxi, but I can see a darker brown too.
As for matching, I used to try to match but now a days as long as it compliments each other as you said and doesn't look just out right TACKY (because sometimes it can) then I see nothing wrong with it!!
Carsedra of:
But you looked sassy and comfy chic in ur maxi dress, love the color and pattern, the sandals are super cute too, and yes I still have issues with matching, I try to break myself from doing it but it's so hard lol, you did great! Love this look :)
This maxi dress is too cute! I love it! I'm bad for leaving stickers on my shoes too.
Also, I'm glad you attending the rally and your segment was broadcast because I'm sure you had some valuable feedback to provide. I'm not going to comment more on that bc I'm still pretty upset about the entire situation.
You look too cute in your maxi dress. I plan to pull mine out this weekend! The weather has been so lovely :)
I spent all of last summer trying to find a daytime maxi and never found one :( fingers crossed for this year!
I spent all of last summer trying to find a daytime maxi and never found one :( fingers crossed for this year!
<3 Marina
My heart goes out to Trevon Martin's family & I wish them the very best. I can't believe the authorities are not doing anything but trying to sour his reputation after his death instead of arresting his murderer!
At any rate, I use to be the same about matchy match but lately I just be like WTH as long as it’s in the same color FAMILY it’s some kin! Lol
BTW, love the maxi & all the browns! ~wink