Weekend Recap: NBA All Star Party


Quick post on one of the parties I attended this past NBA All Star weekend. Needless to say, it was a super packed weekend and I'm still feeling the effects. I told my friend I'm getting too old for this mess. SMH.

Me and my girl Dawana at a happy point during the night, LOL. We were upset at the price of the freakin party, hosted by rapper Drake. Then they had us park a mile away and then lied about a shuttle coming to pick folk up!!! How rude! Our feet were hurting before we even stepped into the place. SMH.

There were so many celebs in the building....Drake, Dwight Howard, Flo-Rida, Chris Johnson, Kenny Burns (producer), etc. The party was actually at an executive airport hanger. I guess it was that big or something. Actually, it was set up really nice, but like I said earlier, I had a moment of  pure "stank attitude" because the price, long walk, and painful feet were making me grouchy. LOL.

The homie D werked the heck outta her look per usual. 

I actually curled my hair....whoo hoo! LOL. I didnt get to do my makeup but better luck next time huh! I also pulled out this oldie but goodie from the back of my closet. I actually LOVE this dress. I just don't have too many places to rock it. Well....truthfully, I don't go too many places, lol.

Yea I was packaged pretty well.....The bow is so quirky, no? The low back and the bow sold me on this dress. But I must say it is very figure flattering so of course I'm happy I took a chance on it..

Oh you traitorous heels!!! Why did you hurt me so when I take such good care of you????

Oh well.....your're so classy I must forgive you for the attack on my arches.

Necklace - Forever 21
Dress  Asos.com
Clutch - Forever 21
Cuff - c/o Shopthelook.net
Ring - Street vendor
Heels - Karen Millen of England



Simply Tasheena said…
You look classy! I think the bow adds a nice touch to the dress.

Mrs. Delightful
Unknown said…
You two looked fab! I LOVE that dress! I am no stranger to sore feet, feels like they're broken sometimes..just tryin' to be glam *wink*
Bespoke Biddie said…
Let me start by saying this dress is gorgeous! then allow me to point out the dollar bills shrewn over the ground that give me a really good idea of what kind of party this is :giggle: and All Star weekend I've heard my stories but the proof is in the pudding

Anonymous said…
I am in love with your dress ....so classy ;)
Fashion Pad said…
@Bespoke Biddie.....LOL! Girl some dude in the crowd thought he was a baller. Kenny Burns actually made him go on stage and throw out his "dolla" bills. LMBO!
Ticka said…
Very pretty dress! Love that bow! and the shoes are too cute! Your friend looked great as well.

I'm quite familiar with feet hurting before you even get your night going. That would have me with a stank face on as well.

Love the back of the dress and I would be in a pissy mood too if I had to walk a mile and the drinks were ridiculously overprice.
GIRL! You look hot! That dress is amazing, the back is sexyyyy! You work it!
Prisla Buah said…
Totally bringing sexy back with this ensemble.
E. Louise said…
GIRL!!! That dress makes me wanna sing!!! LOL It's badder than bad!!!! LMBO at the story!

E. Louise

Stanique said…
I LoVe the back of your dress!! & ur girl is also fab! =)

lol @ treacherous heels...
Unknown said…
You both look really cute! I am loving your friends hair!!

Carsedra of:


Sounds like you guys had a great time! You both look super cute!
Style4Curves said…
LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE the detail on this dress!!
*whistles* the back of your dress is worth drooling..u look hot
Sazi Efionayi said…
fierce,i need those shoes like asap
Unknown said…
Girl!!! You look so friggin HOT that dress is fab and the shoes well, yes it cost to be beautiful darling lol... Love your girls dress too, vibrant pretty color!

Daria said…
aww such an adorable dress, that bow detail rocks

Daria, the Fashionsurfer
Bravoe Runway said…
OH man...1 mile walk in those heels???? OH!!! They're gorgeous I love Karen Millen and so is your dress!
I love your necklace and dress! the bow at the back makes it more classy!

Bonnie said…
What a fun event! I bet you had a great time. Even though the shoes killed your feet, I bet you looked hot in them -- worth it. :)

Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Tiffany said…
Oh, I love the bow detail on the back of your dress! How pretty!!
Your hair looks great and your dress, with that bow on your back is absolutely adorable!
Stephanie said…
Very cool blog! Following you :) Follow me back if you'd like

Alina said…
Great! Love your hair!
Clara Turbay said…
love it. so stylish!
Sarah said…
Those heels are well worth the hurt! I'm loving your blog girl, I'm your newest follower. I hope you'll follow me back and we can keep in touch! I love discovering new blogs!

Sarah xoxo
Anonymous said…
love the back of the dress...so pretty!
HeelsNposes said…
CAYUTEEEE dress and those heels...Love! I did hit up all star weekend also but not too many events. Prices were definitely crazy. I prefer to spend that money on shoes and clothes....HAHA! The party looked like fun!

xoxo (till next time)
Unknown said…
loving your mate's short mane.
Thinking of going short again and feeling inspired

LA Lynn's said…
That dress is the bizness with that BOW in the back!!!!