Greetings Fashionistas,
It's Friday!!!! It's pretty sad that I realize how old I am by the fact that I get excited that it's the weekend. What happened to those days when every day was the weekend??? Hmph....I must start enjoying my week day is guaranteed right?
The other week I had a dinner program to attend for my job. It was on a Friday and I so did not want to spend my Friday evening in a business function. However, I'm glad I went. It was very informative, the food was really good, and the panoramic views of the restaurant were amazing!!!
Yes, I did pull out my summer fav yet again. But you just don't understand how well this blazer works with my summer wardrobe. It's sooooo divine!!!

Love the print of this dress. It's such a cutie patootie!!!

Blazer and Dress - Zara
It's Friday!!!! It's pretty sad that I realize how old I am by the fact that I get excited that it's the weekend. What happened to those days when every day was the weekend??? Hmph....I must start enjoying my week day is guaranteed right?
The other week I had a dinner program to attend for my job. It was on a Friday and I so did not want to spend my Friday evening in a business function. However, I'm glad I went. It was very informative, the food was really good, and the panoramic views of the restaurant were amazing!!!
Handbag - Cole Haan
Heels - boutique in Washington D.C.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog =)
Practically Coffee
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