Hot or Not - JHud's Style

Greetings Fashion Mavens,

Sorry fo the late post, I got a really late start today. Anyhew, as I was perusing some of my fav gossip blog sites I ran across this pic of Jennifer Hudson on promotion in London for her new album.

At first, I saw only a pic of her from her shorts on up to her hat and I thought, "wow, this is a cute, vintage look". Then, I saw the full body picture and well......not so much.

I just don't understand the addition of the leggings/tights. It's puzzling. I believe she would have had a cute outfit if she would have just removed the leggings. Furthermore, I think the style would have been tres' chic if she would have traded in the heels for some two-tone oxfords and a cross-body bag. That would have really won the over the Londoners. But of course, these are just my thoughts.

What do you guys think?

Image spotted at



Patricia said…
Definitely not...
Cathy said…
i like shorts and pantyhose, or with leggings or tights, only if my feet are hidden with boots. it makes it look like i'm wearing a legless pair. :3
Tina Marie said…
That particular outfit looks a little odd with leggings.