Greetings Fashion Pad Readers,
How was your weekend? Were you guys in the shopping hoards for the last Saturday before Christmas? Ummm.....I was, LOL. I normally don't like for people to be in my stores because, well, quite frankly they're in my way!!! But alas, this time around I was just chillin' know, going with the flow. I completed the bulk of my shopping and I've only got 2 loved ones remaining to shop for. Yippie!
But before I head back out, I want to share this reader request with you all from Tameka.
It's snowing in D.C. and my regular boots have me sliding all over the place. Most of the snow boots I've looked at are bulky and ugly. Could you help me find some cute, affordable snow boots? I look forward to your post.
Thank you,
Well Tameka, honestly, snow boots are a little out of my league. However, I know cute and I can certainly find affordable items so let's get to it.

Sperry Top-Sider Sydney
I like the streamlined looks of these boots. And the rubber bottom will help prevent your socks from getting wet from snow.
I think these boots are cute. Suede can easily be soaked through from the elements but the wedge heel gives you some height and the lug soles will prevent you from sliding.

Sperry Top-Sider Women's Pelican Tall Boot
I love the faux crocodile look and I think they look chic too.

Chooka Herringbone
$59.50 (on sale)
This is an amazing price for this brand and boy do they look cozy. I want them myself, but I know I don't need them......smh.

Puma Snowbucket Boots
$89.65 (on sale)
Just in case you enjoy your sporty styles, this boot by Puma is a definite buy.

ASICS 'Snow Eden' Boot
If you're going to be outdoors for a while in that weather, be sure to go with this snow boot. It has a snug fit and warm interior.
I hope one of the options above suit your needs.
Au revoir!