Trend Spotting - Black Sequins

Greetings Fashion Divas,

As always, I'm constantly on the lookout for new trends.......or in the case of the "revolving door" of fashion......oldies but goodies. I had about 7 or 8 photos to upload, but as usual, my computer copped an attitude with me....that hussy :(

I absolutely love the sequined skirt by Malene Birger on Olivia Wilde. It has that old glamorous, Hollywood feel to it. Kim K looks fab per usual in her sequined mini.

Kate Moss brought back the famous 70s style with her bell bottomed, sequined jumpsuit. Ashley Simpson pairs her sequined mini with a gorgeous pixie cut....too cute!

Now the key to sequins is simply this.......UNDER accessorize!!! The sequins, whether small or large, bring enough bling on their own. If you add on too much jewelry, it'll compete unsuccessfully with the sequins and you just might blind some one.

Take a look at some fab sequined items below if you're interested in this trend.

Au revoir!
