Outfit Recap

Greetings Fashion Pad Readers,

I'm just getting back from vacation and boy did we have a blast!!! Pics will be posted soon, but you all know it takes a hot minute for me to get everything edited and more importantly, off my camera, lol. Before I left for the trip, I did some last minute shopping......yeah, yeah, yeah I know, yet again ;-) but I didn't overdue it, I just got the essentials. Promise!

I'm really into these breezy, oversized tees these days. They're just comfortable and honestly I have some vanity issues going on lately :-(

Yeaaahhh, maybe the shirt is a little too long...yikes!

Earrings and Necklace: Street vendor; Tee: Forever 21; Shorts: Love Culture; Bangle: Vintage; Handbag: Furla; Sandals: Michael Kors


Ericka said…
I love your jewelry...especially the necklace. I need that in my life now!!!
Stacia said…
Cute outfit. The necklace is a perfect accessory for the top.