Girls Night Out

Greetings Fashionistas,

So last Friday I went out with my friend Dawana of Dresshaven blog . It was her birthday so we had to take it back to her (and my) roots....Caribbean night at Club Lux! I had a really good time and sadly realized that I need to step my game up SUBSTANTIALLY when it comes to my dutty wind....geesh, I thought I was good but Dawana and some of the other chics there put me to shame, LOL!

Here's me and the lovely birthday girl....what's up with our photographer....LOL!
My dress was from btw.

Dawana was absolutely gorgeous and I told her the lace mini she wore reminded me of Prada's line....I think it was Fall '09....super cute and she rocked the hell out of it!!!!!!

Yeah there's always some random guy that jumps in our pics....SMH

The spot was full of Caribbean folks....we love to show how well we dance, lol.

You see them...two fingers...PEACE OUT!!!

Au revoir!


D. Linton said…
lol...yes wat a fun nite, thanx again for spending it wit me and all my girls looked absoluetly FAB!!!!
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