Greetings Fashion Pad Readers,

Welcome back from the weekend. I was able to do some serious retail this weekend good people and so I am feeling really good. Pics of my purchases will be posted here in the near future....ya'll know it takes forever for me to post my pics, lol.
Which brings me to the purpose of this post. Almost 2 weeks ago I went to Islands of Adventure and I totally forgot to share. You may or may not care but I suppose if you're reading my blog, at least you're interested. Feedback is always graciously accepted. See a few of my pics below. There were too many to post them all so I cherry picked them.
It was freezing but that didn't stop us or the thousands of visitors to the park.
I'm soooooo gonna be Rogue next Halloween!
My cousin Phillip and I, acting silly as usual.
Me and my cousin's wife, Emmanuella. LOVES HER!!!!!
Just making sure the meal deal was really $19.99. No fine print please, lol.
My friend Chris and I chillin hard on the scene. I swear we were NOT trying to match. That's so played out. Wow my bag looks extremely huge right there. It's like the more things I placed in it, the more it stretched to accomodate them.
There was a little train that rode through at least every 2 minutes. Oh to be a kid again without these adult responsibilites.....
This Dr. Seuss character would not let me finish eating without taking a picture. Geesh!
Fun times were had by all!
Jacket: Forever 21; Necklace: Forever 21; Sweater: Urban Outfitters; Handbag: Urban Outfitters; Fingerless Gloves: Nordstrom; Jeans: Joe's Jeans; Sneakers: Nike