Greetings Fashion Padders,
Today marks the anniversary of a wonderful journey I started just 2 years ago. Fashion Pad continues to represent this great love affair that I have with fashion. The readership has grown tremendously thanks mainly to you lovely people because I have done minimal PR. My demanding job and time consuming student life prevents me from doing a lot of pubbing so thanks a million to you all, my loyal readers.
This year I plan to develop partnerships with a couple of bloggers that focus in other areas. I'm in talks with a beauty blogger and of course the fabulous Eric has started a blog for fashion conscious men. In addition, I want to extend to my readers an invitation to email me when you guys have something you want me to discuss here on Fashion Pad or you can always leave requests in the comments section....I do read them.
I love the world of fashion and I'm sooooo happy this blog has allowed my knowledge base to grow astronomically. The connections I have made during this brief tenure has really allowed me to see the fashion world in a different light. I have mad respect for what they do...designers, stylists, pattern makers, PR agents, models, buyers, textile producers, technical designers, tailors, etc. My hat is off to you all.
Thanks guys for another wonderful year and I hope that this next leg of the journey is just as exciting with more surprises along the way (good surprises of course). So let's toast to another fun-filled fashion year. Love you guys!

Today marks the anniversary of a wonderful journey I started just 2 years ago. Fashion Pad continues to represent this great love affair that I have with fashion. The readership has grown tremendously thanks mainly to you lovely people because I have done minimal PR. My demanding job and time consuming student life prevents me from doing a lot of pubbing so thanks a million to you all, my loyal readers.
This year I plan to develop partnerships with a couple of bloggers that focus in other areas. I'm in talks with a beauty blogger and of course the fabulous Eric has started a blog for fashion conscious men. In addition, I want to extend to my readers an invitation to email me when you guys have something you want me to discuss here on Fashion Pad or you can always leave requests in the comments section....I do read them.
I love the world of fashion and I'm sooooo happy this blog has allowed my knowledge base to grow astronomically. The connections I have made during this brief tenure has really allowed me to see the fashion world in a different light. I have mad respect for what they do...designers, stylists, pattern makers, PR agents, models, buyers, textile producers, technical designers, tailors, etc. My hat is off to you all.
Thanks guys for another wonderful year and I hope that this next leg of the journey is just as exciting with more surprises along the way (good surprises of course). So let's toast to another fun-filled fashion year. Love you guys!

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