Fab Sale at Chickdowntown.com

Greetings Fashionistas and Happy Friday,

I'm a little under the weather so this post is going to be brief, sorry. I really dislike getting sick (who does) because it slows down everything in my life, and not in a good way. I'm going to go in to work for a few hours and then I'm coming home to REST. For me, that's the quickest route to recovery.

Alas, sick or not, I've spotted the best sale ever over at Chickdowntown.com. Can you believe that for 7 days, they are offering 70% off of everything in their online boutique.....yes, I typed that correctly, 70% off of everything on Chickdowntown.com for 7 days only. Whew, they are really trying to cause their site to shut down huh?
This is the best sale I've seen thus far in a while. LOVES IT!!!!
