Greetings Fashion Mavens,

Slouchy Beanie in Cranberry by HiJinx

Filtre Knit Boyfriend Blazer

BDG PE Tank Top

Wanted Havoc Boot
I'll see ya ladies and gents!
So my war of words with my teacher has come to an least on her part anyways. I'm still highly livid. She wants me to write a synopsis of the best methodology used to write a research paper and then she will let me rewrite the paper. I do NOT want to do either of those but my Fashion Department Chair says that at least she's trying to accommodate me without being a total a-hole (her words, not mine). This is so absolutely unfair. Do you know what I've observed? I find that teachers who realize that you have a prior degree, in my case, a doctorate, tend to scrutinize your work more. Now I'm totally fine with that, but don't sit here and claim that my writing skills are defunct when I have had numerous courses that prove otherwise.
I have never received less than an "A" on any research paper I have done and guys......I have been in school a long time (with degrees awarded of course)!!!! I was taught by professors with doctorates. This lady does not even have a Master's degree. Talk about insulting!!! My lesson learned from this little drama is that sometimes you have to do what you have to do to achieve your goals, regardless if you think it's fair or not. As long as it's legal, and won't cause you any harm.........just do it.
However, let it be known that as soon as I pass this class I'm reverting back to my original writing style that has garnered me success in the grading department. Take that mean teacher!!!
Okay guys, I'm done with this rant for now. I'll keep you updated. Now let's move on to fashion.
I spotted this pic of Kim K out shopping at Barney's in Beverly Hills and I must say I'm loving her laidback style. Beanies are my new best friends.

Let's have fun with this pic and see if we can get her look for less from head to toe.


BDG PE Tank Top
Conrad Weekend Tote
$45.86 (on sale)
Sorry, no knockoff versions of the Birken are available for less than $400.00....ouch!!!

ASOS Kate Storm Knitted Jegging
I kinda like these jeggings (leggings + jeans). At first I was like, ewww, but now I'm like, okay....maybe :-)
Wanted Havoc Boot
$49.99 (on sale)
I'll see ya ladies and gents!
Pic spotted at