As I've been browsing the web I've noticed more dresses that feature the one shoulder style. I've always been on the fence with this style because usually it isolates all my divas with a larger bustline. Unfortunately, I do not have that problem. Anyhew, I couldn't resisit the call of the little number below but I started thinking....I want this blog to feature items that any one of my fashionistas can wear or covet whether they are petite, curvy, or slim. So on that note, I searched for a one shoulder style that would provide adequate support to the woman with an ample bust. Check 'em out.
Braided One Shoulder Dress
Rachel Pally Short Twist Dress
Hope the above dress helps. It's not only a good deal (the original price was $229.00) but it also provides great versatility. You can dress it up or wear the dress casually, which makes it a great investment in my book.
Braided One Shoulder Dress
Rachel Pally Short Twist Dress
Hope the above dress helps. It's not only a good deal (the original price was $229.00) but it also provides great versatility. You can dress it up or wear the dress casually, which makes it a great investment in my book.